Minimal Equipment Push Workout at Home!


Today we are going to go over a push workout that you can do at home with very minimal equipment and time. For this workout we would say you would need a pair of dumbbells and some resistance bands, however, You will still be able to do this workout without the dumbbells.

As stated above, this is a Push workout. So we are going to be focusing on the “push” muscles. Mainly, Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. We are going to be using a high rep range to get the volume in due to the restriction some of you might have with weight. Using supersets we can keep the volume and intensity up while keeping the length of workout down. Let’s dive straight into this push workout.

The Workout:

Superset 1 – 5 Sets

  • Press Up – 20
    • DB flys – 20

Superset 2 – 5 Sets

  • Banded shoulder Press – 20 Reps
    • DB lateral Raises – AMRAP

Superset 3 – 5 Sets

  • Tricep pushdown – 20
    • Dips – AMRAP

The Breakdown:


The first superset is going to consist of 20 Press Up’s and then going straight into a dumbbell fly (if you haven’t got any dumbbells, you could use resistance bands. Again we are going to complete 20 reps. We are going to do 5 sets of this. Resulting in 100 reps on each exercise, equalling to 200 reps for the chest. This is going to get hard. After a few sets, your chest will start burning. 

Remember if you can’t complete 20 press up’s, complete as many as you can and then drop to your knees and carry on. Keep your form strict and make sure everything is controlled. The flies should be slow on the way down and explosive on the way up. After you have completed 5 sets, you are done for chest, however, this workout isn’t over. We move on to Shoulders.


Everyone loves a shoulder pump! This next superset with definitely gets those shoulders pumped and burning! This superset is very Similar to the Chest superset. The first exercise is 20 reps of either a banded shoulder press or a dumbbell shoulder press. Complete 20 reps, keeping the weight under control and using a slow to medium tempo. 

After completing 20 reps you will then move on to 20 Lateral Raises, again either with bands or dumbbells (depends on what weight you have). Rest as required and then repeat. You want to complete 5 sets. Again, you will complete 100 Reps on each. After completing 5 Sets, that is shoulders done. Then we move on to Triceps.


Now for triceps! We are going to be doing a similar superset as we have done for Chest and Shoulders but with a slight variation. The first exercise is going to be a Tricep Pulldown using some resistance bands. Find a secure place to attach them to and then you can use them as you would a standard cable pulldown. Again, as with the others, we are going to be doing 20 reps of these. A good strict form, nice and slow on the way back down. 

After completing 20 reps on the pulldown, you will then move on to complete AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible) on dips. How you set up the dips doesn’t matter, just as long as you have a good range of motion. Personally, for example, I have a small wall in my garden I have been doing them off, but I have seen people doing them on chairs, bins anything. Get creative, but stay safe. Complete as many reps as you can do on dips. It might be 5 it might be 50. Just keep going till you stop. As with the other two exercises, we are going to be completing 5 sets of this. After that, you are done. 


That is the full push workout done. It shouldn’t take you too long to complete as it is a relatively short workout. The important thing is the volume. We have put a lot of volume in each superset. Which is key to getting stronger and building muscle. We are completing around 200 reps on each muscle group.

We shouldn’t have to mention it, but make sure to focus and keep good form and a good tempo, don’t rush the exercises, go at a medium pace and stay in control of the weights. Remember, If you need to drop the rep range down depending on the weights that you have. If you have heavier dumbbells you may need to drop the rep range down, or even increase the reps. All depends on your dumbbell/Resistance bands.

Did you like this Push Workout? It’s a very different Push workout to what most people, including me, would be use too. Next week we will be doing a similar workout for Pull, and we might even do one for legs. Let us know over on our Instagram if you give it a go.

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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.
